











Guide of the Modern Witch
Part 3:
How do I become one?
by Feine Proct 

What is the Sacred Space? How to cast and open an effective Magick Circle? How to program a candle, invoke the Gods, the Elemental Guardians, the Fairies and the Little Folks to our celebrations? In this third book, learn how to become a powerful witch by performing meaningful and profitable rituals, adapted to our modern reality.



Part 1:
Who is she? 
by Feine Proct


Part 2:
What does she do? 
by Feine Proct 




Nicole Mary-Jo Feine Proctor is a Canadian witch born in Montreal in the early seventies. Descended from lineages of both French and Britain practitioners, she was early initiated into women’s occultism. Following her studies in humanities and social sciences, literature and languages, and religious studies, she became interested in Wiccan practices in her late twenties and has been perfecting her art ever since. Fascinated by Latin American culture, she now lives between Canada and Central America where she studies the endemic flora of these countries, as well as the annual climate, agricultural traditions and practices, culinary culture and ancient rites of the Aztec, Mayan, Chorotega and other pre-Columbian tribes.





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